Hi There! 👋🏻


Let me introduce myself

I fell in love with programming and I have at least learnt something, I think… 🤷‍♂️

I am fluent in classics like C++, Javascript .

My field of Interest's are building new   Web Technologies and Products .

Whenever possible, I also apply my passion for developing products with Node.js and Modern Javascript Library and Frameworks   like React.js.

About us

My Project


A News Web app made by fetching news API.In this the user can read all the news of all over the world by clicking on he subject what he wants to read.

Github Demo

Corona Virus information is provided in text in real time. Provide information about 29 Indian states and over 100 countries. Fetch Api is used to collect data from various end points, and several third-party.

Github Demo

A TO-DO-LIST in which the user scheduled his daily task. In this the user type his daily routine for all the day.

Github Demo

Pet shop in which the user gets all the information of their dog diet plan and also get all types of food.

Github Demo

Blog website in which the user can compose their blog and also reads other blog.

Github Demo

Text-Editor is a React based app in which the user enter his text and converts it in the uppercase,lowercase,etc.In this app the user also sees his typing speed of words per minute.

Github Demo

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